NSD ERP System Overview

The aim of this document is to put at the hands of all enterprise or government decision makers a clear and complete, as possible, an integrated solution allowing them to be at the peak of the latest technology concerning the Business Process Management.

The challenge, today, is to have the best solution at the best price and best time, but that is not all, more points and issues still worries the users and decisions makers.

One of these worries is the Data SECURITY!

  • How can I be sure that, my stored and exchanged data is secured and it is not covered my competitors or general by anyone who is not allowed to know, copy, or use it?
  • How can I be sure that, my system editor doesn’t have access to my Data?
  • How can I be sure that, the change of my Business Rules will be adapted and took into consideration by my technical solution?
  • And much more other questions…

Let us understand the offered possibilities and technical solutions in terms Business Process Management.

Apart from the classic software, we have tow solutions:

1- Enterprise Resources Planning, also called Integrated Management Software (ERP),or Government Resources Planning: are applications whose purpose consists in coordinating all activities of a company (so-called vertical activities such as production, procurement, or rather horizontal activities such as marketing, sales forces, management of human resources, etc.), The term "ERP" comes from the name of the MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning) method used during the 70s for managing the planning of industrial production.

2- Cloud: Cloud computing is nothing else, neither more nor less than the outsourcing of IT resources. The "cloud" could be called "all my IT and Telecom on the Internet for everyone (including attackers). Based on the Data Security issues, It is going to be clear that, the clouds is a source of risks and that allows us to focus, for now at least, on the ERP system.

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