Water Purification & Filtration Dictionary

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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items.

Absolute Filter Rating   Dico Tools
Filter rating meaning that 99.9% (or essentially all) of the particles larger than a specific micron rating will be trapped on or within the filter.

Absorption   Dico Tools
The process of one substance actually penetrating into the structure of another substance. This is different from adsorption in which one substance adheres to the surface of another.

Accumulation Tank   Dico Tools
A vessel or tank, which receives and stores product water for use on demand.

Acid   Dico Tools
A substance, which releases hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Most acids will dissolve the common metals and will react with a base to form a neutral salt and water. An acid is the opposite of an alkali, has a pH rating lower than 7.0, will turn litmus paper red and has a sour taste.

Acid   Dico Tools
A substance, which releases hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Most acids will dissolve the common metals and will react with a base to form a neutral salt and water. An acid is the opposite of an alkali, has a pH rating lower than 7.0, will turn litmus paper red and has a sour taste.

Activated Alumina   Dico Tools
A medium made by treating aluminum ore so that it becomes porous and highly adsorptive. Activated alumina will remove several contaminants including fluoride, arsenic and selenium. This medium requires periodic cleaning and appropriate reagent such as alum, acid and or/caustic.

Activated Carbon   Dico Tools
A water treatment medium, found in block, granulated, or powder form, which is produced by heating carbonaceous substances (bituminous coal or cellulose-based substance such as wood or coconut shell) in the absence of air, creating a highly porous adsorbent material.

Adsorption   Dico Tools
The physical process occurring when liquids, gases or suspended matter adhere to the surface of, or in the pores of, an adsorbent medium. Adsorption is a physical process which occurs without chemical reaction.

Aeration   Dico Tools
The process whereby water is brought into intimate contact with air by spraying or cascading, or air is brought into intimate contact with water by an air aspirator or by bubbling compressed air through the body of water. Both pressure (closed) aerators and open (gravity) aerators are used. Closed aeration is used chiefly for oxidation; open aeration for degassing.

Aerobic   Dico Tools
An action or process conducted in the presence of air, such as aerobic digestion of organic matter by bacteria.

Aesthetic Contaminants   Dico Tools
Characteristics of water which affects its taste, odor, color and appearance (and may affect the objects touched by the water) but which do not in themselves have any adverse health effects in otherwise potable water.

Algae   Dico Tools
Single-celled or simple multi-celled organisms, commonly found in surface water, which produce their own food through photosynthesis. Excessive algae growth may cause the water to have undesirable odors or tastes and decay of algae can deplete the oxygen in the water.

Alkali   Dico Tools
A substance which creates a bitter taste and a slippery feel when dissolved in water and will turn litmus paper blue. An alkali has a pH greater than 7.0 and is the opposite of an acid. Highly alkaline waters tend to cause drying of the skin.

Amoeba   Dico Tools
A single celled protozoan that is widely found in fresh and salt water. Some types of amoebas cause diseases such as amoebic dysentery.

Anaerobic   Dico Tools
A condition in which there is no air or no available free oxygen.

Anaerobic Organisms   Dico Tools
An organism that can strive in the absence of oxygen (air), such as bacteria in a septic tank.

Anion   Dico Tools
An ion with a negative charge.

Aqueous   Dico Tools
Containing water; watery.

Aquifer   Dico Tools
A natural water-bearing formation which is found below the surface of the earth.

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