Water Purification & Filtration Dictionary

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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items.

Magnesium (Mg)   Dico Tools
one of the elements that make up the earth's crust as part of many rock-forming minerals such as dolomite. Magnesium and calcium dissolved in water constitutes hardness. The presence of magnesium in water contributes to the formation of scale and insoluble soap which identify hard water.

Manganese (Mn)   Dico Tools
An element sometimes found dissolved in groundwater usually in combination with - but in lower concentrations than iron. Manganese is noticeable because in concentrations above 0.05mg/L it causes black staining of laundry and plumbing fixtures.

Mechanical Filter   Dico Tools
A pressure or gravity filter designed to physically separate and remove suspended solids from a liquid by mechanical (physical) means rather than by chemical means.

Media   Dico Tools
A selected group of material used in filters and filter devices to form barriers to the passage of certain solids or molecules which are suspended or dissolved in water.

Mesh Size   Dico Tools
Mesh is the number of openings in a square inch of a screen or sieve. It is equal to the square of the number of strains of metal or plastic screening per lineal inch.

Methane   Dico Tools
A colorless, odorless, flammable gas consisting of the hydrocarbons (CH4) and resulting from the decay of vegetable matter or manure due to the action of anaerobic bacteria in swampy land, closed landfills or sewage disposal plants.

Microbicide   Dico Tools
A substance that destroys microorganisms.

Microfiltration   Dico Tools
The separation or removal from a liquid of particles and microorganisms in the size range of 0.1 to 2.0 microns in diameter.

Micrograms Per Liter   Dico Tools
Considered as equal to parts per billion (ppb). The common symbol for micrograms per liter is ug/L.

Micron Rating   Dico Tools
A measurement applied to filters or filter media to indicate the particle size at which suspended solids above that size will be removed. As used in the water treatment industry standards, this may be an absolute rating or a nominal rating.

Microorganism   Dico Tools
A living organism invisible or barely visible to the naked eye and generally observed only through a microscope. Also called a microbe. Microorganisms are generally considered to include algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses.

Microwatt-seconds Per Square Centimeter   Dico Tools
A unit of measurement of intensity and retention or contact time in the operation of ultraviolet systems.

Mineral   Dico Tools
An inorganic (non-living) substance which occurs naturally in the earth and has a composition that can be expressed as a chemical formula and a set of characteristics (crystalline structure, hardness etc.) common to all minerals. Examples of minerals are sulfur, salt and stone.

Mineral Free Water   Dico Tools
Water produced by either distillation or deionization. This term is sometimes found on labels of bottled water as a substitute term for distilled or deionized water.

Mineral Water   Dico Tools
Water which is naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gases (carbon dioxide). The term is also used to designate bottled water that contains no less than 250 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS) and originates from a protected ground water source.

Mixed Bed   Dico Tools
The intermix of two or more filter exchange products in the same vessel during a service run.

Mixed Media   Dico Tools
The use of two or more media products in a single filtration loose media bed where the products are intermixed - rather than in stratisfied layers. For example the intermix use of calcite and magnesia in pH modification.

Module   Dico Tools
The membrane element and its housing in a reverse osmosis unit.

Molecule   Dico Tools
The smallest particle of an element or compound that retains all of the characteristics of the element or compound. A molecule is made up of one or more atoms.

Monitoring Light Sensor   Dico Tools
An indicator light, electrically or electronically activated, which is positioned in the effluent (product water) stream of a piece of water treatment equipment to detect and signal changes in the water quality which might malfunction of the equipment.

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Municipal Water   Dico Tools
Water that has been processed at a central plant to make it potable or "safe to drink" and which is then distributed to homes and businesses via water mains. The term is a general one used to refer to the common source of water in most urban and suburban areas - as opposed to water obtained from separate proprietary sources such as private wells.

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