About Us

NSD is a global software editor company. Our international resources enabled us to deliver a consistent level of quality from one country to another. All of our offices and people, wherever they are located, practice under common professional, ethical and independence standards.

Our customers feedback always makes us feel proud and push us to improve our level of service. Our ambition is to be the leader when it comes to quality and service.

Our activity is based on two main axes:

1- Business Applications, NSD ERP Systems, NSD BCS,  for various business activities to serve , small, medium and huge enterprises.

2- Business Consulting:

3- Advanced IT solutions:

NSD is Present or Represented in a Different Countries, in each Country NSD can have a different CR number.

All our software, logos and names are registered and property. Our products, NSD ERP SYSTEM NSD Business Controlling System (NSD BCS), NSD Monitor Management System (MOM System), NSD Car Management System (CMS), are registered and property of NSD.  

Wherever you are located and for any reason related to our activities (Suggestions, Information, Investments, To became our Business Partner....) or for any other reason please do not hesitate to contact us, anytime, We stay at your entire disposition  
