Water Purification & Filtration Dictionary

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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items.

Depth Filtration   Dico Tools
A filtration process in which water flows through progressively smaller pore spaces in a filter. Depth filters are designed to entrap particles throughout the mass of the filter media, as opposed to a surface filter where only the surface layer does the actual filtering.

Desalination   Dico Tools
The removal of dissolved inorganic solids (salts) from solution such as water to produce a liquid which is free of dissolved salts. Desalination is typically accomplished by distillation, reverse osmosis or electrodialysis.

Dew Point   Dico Tools
The temperature to which air must be cooled to cause condensation of the water vapor it contains.

Disinfection   Dico Tools
The treatment of water to inactivate, destroy and /or remove pathogenic (disease producing) bacteria, viruses, cysts, and other microorganisms for the purpose of making the water microbiologically safe for human consumption. Disinfection may involve the use of disinfecting chemicals such as chlorine, iodine, ozone or peroxide; or it may involve physical processes such as distillation, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, boiling or ultraviolet radiation. Disinfection may also be called sterilization.

Dissolved Solids Also Known As Total Dissolved Sol   Dico Tools
The weight of matter, including both organic and inorganic matter, in true solution in a stated volume of water. The amount of dissolved solids is usually determined by filtering water through a 0.45 pore-diameter micron filter and weighing the filtration residue left after the evaporation of the water at 180 degree C.

Distillate   Dico Tools
The product water, which is mineral-free and potable, from a distiller unit.

Distillation   Dico Tools
The process of separating the water from the organic and inorganic contaminants through a combination of evaporation (or vaporization), cooling and condensation.

Distilled Water   Dico Tools
Water which has been cleansed by passing through one or more evaporation-condensation cycles until it contains a very low amount of dissolved solids (usually less than 5.0 ppm TDS).

Drain   Dico Tools
A pipe or conduit which carries liquids by gravity to waste.

Drain Line   Dico Tools
A pipe line which is used to carry water from the water treatment system to a waste system.

Drinking Water   Dico Tools
A water treated or untreated which is intended for human use and consumption and considered to be free of harmful chemicals and disease-causing bacteria, cysts, viruses or other microorganisms. See also potable water.

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