Plants Dictionary
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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items. |
Unevenly cut or incised.
Deeply and sharply slashed into slender segments.
With a fringed border.
Defined space.
Thin flat plates or laterally flattened ridges.
Blade, usually of a leaf.
Densely white woolly-pubescent.
Lance-shaped, broadest below the middle, long-tapering above the middle, several times longer than wide.
Woolly or cottony; downy, the hairs somewhat shorter than in lanate.
Very short-woolly.
Pertaining to the sides.
The milky juice (or highly colored juice) of some plants.
Having broad leaves.
General term meaning open, loose, without clear form or shape, or scattered, depending on the context.
Usually a blade-like organ attached to the stem, often by a petiole or sheath, and commonly functioning as a principal organ in photosynthesis and transpiration. Leaves characteristically subtend buds and extend from the stem in various planes. See also leaflet. A leaf axil is the upper angle between a leaf petiole, or sessile leaf base, and the node from which it grows. A leaf scar is formed on a twig following the fall of a leaf, usually revealing the pattern of vascular bundles in the leaf trace.
One of the discriminate segments of the compound leaf of a dicotyledonous plant. Leaflets may resemble leaves, but differ principally in that buds are not found in the axils of leaflets, and that leaflets all lie in the same plane.
When there are several succeeding leaves on each side of a midrib; a little leaf.
The fruit in the Fabaceae family, produced from a one-celled ovary, and typically splitting along both sutures; as in the pea pod.
Bearing seeds which split into halves like the pea.
The lowermost of the two scales forming the floret in a grass spikelet -- the uppermost, less easily seen, is called the palea.
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A corky spot on young bark, corresponding functionally to a stoma on a leaf.
Lens-shaped; two-sided, with the faces convex.
Surfaced with small scurfy scales.
Bearing a ligule.
In the Asteraceae family, pertaining to the dilated or flattened, spreading limb of the composite ray flower; in other families, such as Poaceae family, an extension, often scarious, of the summit of the leaf sheath.
The expanded portion of a corolla above the throat; the expanded portion of any petal.
Very long and narrow, with nearly or quite parallel margins.
Referring to either the upper or lower lip of a bilabiate corolla; the principal, seemingly lower, petal in the Orchidaceae.
Any segment or division, particularly if blunt.
Bearing lobes.
Having locules.
A discriminate cavity or space within an ovary, fruit, or anther.
Pertaining to a capsule which dehisces along the dorsal suture of each locule, thus opening directly into the cavity.
Specifically applied to the series of one-seeded articles of a fruit in the genus Desmodium.
With long ligules.
Pinnately lobed into large, broad lobes, the terminal one typically noticeably larger than the reduced lateral ones.
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