Plants Dictionary
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An alphabetical listing of General terms and items. |
Spotted. Compare with immaculate.
Spoken of hairs which are straight and attached by the middle, and typically appressed to the leaf surface.
Withering but persistent, usually remaining green.
Referring to an aquatic habitat in salt water.
Very limy, often with calcium carbonate concretions at or near the surface.
See farinose.
The larger type of haploid spore (when two sizes are present) which gives rise to the female gametophyte; the other called a microspore.
Membrane-like; very thin, flimsy, and often more or less translucent.
The discriminate units of a schizocarp which ultimately splits apart into two individual nutlets, usually referring to units of the fruits of the parsley family.
A suffix pertaining to the discriminate portions into which a floral organ or series of organs can be divided; for example, a flower with 5 sepals, 5 petals, and 10 stamens can be said to be 5-merous.
A microclimatic term which refers to an area in which the soils are usually well drained, but contain a lot of moisture for all or much of the year; such areas typically occur on north or east-facing exposures. Compare to xeric.
Refers to plant species or plant communities which grow under mesic conditions.
Haploid spore which gives rise to the male gametophyte; other being called megaspore.
The central or principal vein of a foliar or bracteal organ, or of a sepal or petal.
Like a thick white juice.
Rich in calcium and magnesium carbonate.
Spoken of stamens united by their filaments into a tube or column.
Appearing as a string of beads.
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Annual plant, or one which dies after it has once born fruit.
Angiospermous plant having only one cotyledon.
Pertaining to plants, individuals of which bear both staminate and pistillate flowers but not perfect flowers.
Accumulation of stones in a rockery.
Covered in part with spots, areas, or lines of different color than the main surface.
A short and small abrupt tip.
With a short, abrupt tip.
Minutely mucronate.
Cleft into many lobes or segments.
Copiously beset with hard, often sharp, tubercles.
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